long story short
Hello, I'm JD! I'm a new Mama and I just got back from maternity leave. Yep, I'm the girl behind Anya's Party Bag video that went viral on Tiktok (2M+ views) and on Facebook (1M+ views).
I'm a corporate analyst and a freelance artist on the side - based in Manila. Regularly, I do a lot of reports, dashboards, data visualization, data storytelling and communications in between. Then, I also do creatives - which is why I crafted this website! I want to showcase my art, sell my Canva creations and share a lot of my most-loved DIY projects! But since I love doing analytics too, I want to start-up a small platform here, and help beginners boost their analytics careers!
Whether it's a report or a comms plan or an art project, I call my work JDidIt. It's kind of saying JD did it! 😊 Way back, I was already happy accepting simple lettering and art project requests from my friends and family. Then, I became happier accepting bigger projects like wedding invites and business cards! I felt an intense need to set up my own craft corner at home. Then, I had been constantly sharing my work and workstation online to let my friends know that they can contact me whenever they need creative weirdness in their lives. I have always been thankful to the people who supported me and trusted my works because it happened so fast that later, I have also been accepting projects from friends and families of my friends and family. 💯 I still get goosebumps whenever I say that!
​While I finalize my catalog of services, feel free to read on my blog or ask for help by submitting a Contact form.
​#JDidIt - doing canvas and spreadsheet work for you. Delivering creative and data solutions for you. Always, did it for you!